What is Europe to You?
Wey Wall
Wey Social
Voices of Europe


What is Europe to You?



Voices of Europe



Wey Wall

Wey Social




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Lisa Borgiani, Verona, 1979, lives and works in Milan.

Lisa Borgiani's work ranges from photography, installations and mobile sculptures. She has exhibited in various galleries, museums, international art fairs and public institutions: La Triennale di Milano, Embassy of Italy in Washington D.C., European Parliament in Brussels, Italian Cultural Institute of San Francisco, London, Singapore and others. For several years she has collaborated with architects, researchers, Italian and American universities, directors and economists.

In October 2017 her permanent installation "Waves of Light" was inaugurated at the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan.

In June 2018 her work "The unexpected meets rationalism" won the tender organized by the Brera Academy with the residence on the Comacina Island (Como), where she created an installation inside the house designed by the architect Pietro Lingeri and built in 1939.

In October 2018 she participated with the installation "enne points of tension" at the Fabbrica del Vapore as a Special Project, Step Art Fair 2018, Milan Sculpture.

In March 2019 she created the installation "The unexpected meets rationalism" at Villa Leoni, Ossuccio (CO) continuing her dialogue with the rationalist architecture.

Since 2003 she has been working on various street photography projects in Italy, Bosnia, South America, United States.

Since 2019 she has been working on the photo journey "What is Europe to you?", the ongoing photographic journey through the main European cities and capitals.

In collaboration with the Master in Design the Digital Strategy, Politecnico di Milano Poli.Design, students have created 4 digital programs to involve people in this project, including the online platform WEYWALL.

Permanent collection

Institute of European Studies, Krakow, Poland

Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Strasburgo, France

Università Politecnica delle Marche, Facoltà di Ingegneria, Ancona.

Ospedale San Raffaele, Dimer, Milano.

Foundation Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, Berlin.

House of the Wannsee Conference, Berlin.

Gruppo Industriale Cooperativo CCPL, Reggio Emilia.

Museo Ebraico, Bologna.

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