What is Europe to You?
Wey Wall
Wey Social
Voices of Europe

What is Europe to You?


Wey Wall




Wey Social

Voices of Europe






What is Europe to You?




6. May - 31. August  What is Europe to you?, Parc Jordana, Cracovia, Poland. In partnership with the Italian Cultural Institute in Cracovia, Villa Decius, EUNIC, European Commission 


28. May - 15. June What is Europe to you at PhotoEspaña 2024, OCCO Gallery, Madrid, Spain




October: What is Europe to you?, Gijón, on the occasion of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union.


October: What is Europe to you?, Gijón, on the occasion of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

2. June – 31. October: What is Europe to you?, Riga Technical University, Latvia. .

5. September – 19. OctoberWhat is Europe to you?,Spazio Europa Experience - David Sassoli, Roma.

14 - 28 September : What is Europe to you?, Culture Moves Europe, Madrid, Spain.

1.-2. September: What is Europe to you?, Cádiz, on the occasion of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

31. May- 25. August: What is Europe to you?, Goethe-Institut Dresden, Germany.

May - July: What is Europe to you?, Arkadenhof, University of Bonn, Germany.

17. – 18. July: What is Europe to you?, Santander, on the occasion of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

May- June: What is Europe to you?, UGC Ciné Cité, Strasbourg Etoile, France.

27.-28. May: What is Europe to you?, Madrid Book Fair 2023, on the occasion of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union.


What is Europe to you?, Triennale Milano. Talk with Maria Vittoria Baravelli (art sharer), Gigliola Foschi (curator), Sebastiano Leddi (Perimetro), Alberico Guerzoni (IED Milano).

What is Europe to you?, Europe Day 2022, Guben-Gubin, Germany-Poland.

What is Europe to you?, Palace ex Loggiato Vecchio, Verona, Italy.

What is Europe to you?, Palazzo Pirelli, Milan, Italy. Exhibition curated by Gigliola Foschi, organized and promoted by Consiglio regionale della Lombardia.

What is Europe to you?, Palazzo Albrizzi- Capello, Venice, Italy. With the support of ACIT and Goethe Institut-Rom.


What is Europe to you?, ex Fornace Gola, Milan, Italy. Exhibition curated by Gigliola Foschi, in collaboration with MIA Fair.

What is Europe to you?, Ventotene Europa Festival 2021, online presentation on the occasion of the Europe Day 2021.

What is Europe to you?, Villa Vigoni, Menaggio (CO), Italy.


Raccontare l’Europa attraversando l’Europa.


“What is Europe to you?” è il racconto fotografico che sto realizzando nelle città europee, un viaggio composto da ritratti e sentimenti delle persone che incontro casualmente per la strada a cui pongo la domanda: What is Europe to you?, Cos’è l’Europa per te?
Questo dialogo tra un ritratto in bianco e nero e un sentimento compongono il collage europeo.


Ad oggi ho raccolto 600 ritratti ad Atene Berlino Milano Roma Parigi Budapest Vilnius Tallinn Riga Malta Bonn Dresda Strasburgo Madrid, 1200 sentimenti e 500 autoritratti dei visitatori. Ogni persona è invitata a partecipare al progetto lasciando “su queste pareti una traccia fotografica del tuo passaggio” - per citare il titolo di un’opera di Franco Vaccari - attraverso due modalità: in mostra può stampare ed esporre, grazie alla piattaforma digitale WEYWALL, un proprio autoritratto accompagnato da un pensiero che espliciti il suo sentimento sull’Europa, oppure scrivere una frase legata all’Europa su un post-it colorato e attaccarlo su una parete dedicata.


Telling Europe by crossing Europe. 


"What is Europe to You?" is the ongoing photographic story I am doing in the principal European cities and capitals, a journey made by portraits and feelings of the people I casually meet in the street asking them one question: "What is Europe to you?"
This dialogue between a black and white portrait and a feeling creates the European collage.


So far I have collected 600 portraits in Athens Milan Rome Paris Budapest Vilnius Tallinn Riga Malta Bonn Dresden Strasbourg Madrid, 1200 feelings and 500 self-portraits of visitors: Each person is also invited to participate in the artist's project by leaving "on these walls a photographic trace of your passage" - to quote the title of a work by Franco Vaccari - in two ways: in the exhibition they can print and exhibit, thanks to the  online platform WEYWALL, their own self-portrait accompanied by a feeling, or write a sentence linked to Europe on a colored post-it and stick it on a dedicated wall. 



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